Useful NTP links on the Internet

NTP Homepage

The original distribution of the source code and detailed information on NTP can be found at the NTP home page at

NTP Online Documentation

The complete NTP documentation in HTML format is included in the distribution archives. Additionally, the lastest documents can also be viewed online at

Very detailed information is available at the NTP FAQ at

You will find the original NTP package (compiled for Windows NT/2000/XP and VISTA)
together with a comfortable Installer at NTP download page.

Additionally you find the original NTP SOURCE code distribution copies on this page.

For monitoring of several time server in your network we recommend the Time Server Monitor.

Meinberg Hardware Links

Radio Clock C600RS with serial port.
Time Server complete NTP Time Server in different housings
IRIG PCI receiver slotcard
Modular NTP Time Server

A good source for information about IRIG time codes like IRIG-A, IRIG-B and Afnor is the IRIG information page.